Are you ready to work smarter? Great! I am excited to be your teacher

Welcome to Levonye Professionals School of Knowledge! We are thrilled to have you join us on this exciting journey of enhancing salons, personal life, and professional development.

Founded by Yalmikia Edmonds, owner of Levonye Professional Hair Loss Center, Inspirational speaker, Certified Hair loss Practitioner/Licensed Cosmetologist. Yalmikia provides coaching for individuals experiencing hair thinning and hair loss for women. Our online platform is designed to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the salon industry and beyond.

Yalmikia's own experience in transitioning her salon into a hair loss center inspired the creation of this platform, where she aims to share her expertise and help others succeed.

At Levonye Professionals, we understand the importance of personal care and growth. Just like Yalmikia focused on self-care before embarking on her journey, we believe in nurturing oneself to achieve success in all aspects of life.

By subscribing to our email updates, you will be the first to know when our courses are launched and have the opportunity to embark on a transformative learning experience.

Thank you for your interest in Levonye Professionals School of Knowledge. We look forward to supporting you in your quest for growth and development.

Warm regards, The Levonye Professionals Team

Click the link below to watch my introduction video

P.S Yalmikia also provides coaching for individuals experiencing hair thinning and hair loss. Hair loss can be traumatic and sensitive to experience. This leads to experiencing Self- identity on all levels with 'THE SELF" So it make sense to provide help for this demographic of individuals as well.

There are no limits here, which is why Yalmikia and her team will provides an overflow of meaningful resources to help you open up your heart and that treasure that's been laying doormat inside of you since you incarnated into this earthly realm.

We were born with a seed inside of us. But because we are not consciously aware of "self" we never water that seed that's inside of us. Well this coarse is all about helping individuals reach their highest potential in ways that works for them and discovering your seed is the main FACTOR. Yalmikia wants to educated individuals on reaching their GOD SELF WITH-IN. The same power that Jesus has we also have.

Note that signing up for your school will add students to your Users list, but they will still need to enroll in specific courses and coaching products of their choice to access your content.

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how Levonye Professionals is applying action to the brand.

My name is Yalmikia and I AM your teacher here at Levonye Professionals School of knowledge. I AM so happy to have you all here. If you are here for self knowledge or if you are here because you are a professional from the beauty industry looking to cultivate your skills, within your business, or if you are someone experiencing Alopecia and you are looking for resources to help you cope with with hair loss, I got the knowledge that will add value to all areas of your life. Anything that I AM teaching I have lived it and experiencing/ed at some point in my life, or taught it at some point in my life. Each coarse is customized for specific needs so make sure that you choose wisely. If you are here to learn about one thing and feel drawn to another course I encourage you to follow you gut/intuition. Trust that spirit is leading you to what you are needing at that time of your life.

Servicing my hair loss client

Cranial prosthesis, commonly known as wigs or hairpieces, offer significant benefits to women experiencing alopecia, a condition characterized by hair loss. Here are some ways cranial prosthesis adds value to these individuals:

Cranial prosthesis application

Cranial Prosthesis application process is essential. This process we will go into detail inside the course. I will be doing a look and learn video showing you how to apply the cranial prosthesis.

I out grew my hair loss center in less then 1 year

In 2020 ,2021, 2022 I out grew each space that I operated from as a certified hair loss practitioner. In 2023 I finally moved into a larger facility so that I could hire and train my partners. I moved each year into a larger space with 2023 being my largest space. I signed a 5 year lease